Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hey hey didja miss me?

Though I frequently daydream about moving out of Boston to somewhere more exciting (I know I know, how could this be possible?!), the recent discovery of some Boston-centric YouTube clips made me realize I do in fact have some sort of connection to the city. My suspicion is my fulfillment comes from merely knowing there are other people in the world who find watching others to be as engrossing as I do.

This clip captures a beautiful moment when the path of two Boston personalities serendipitously cross ... Hector, who I assume is a war vet, has basically scared the shit out me numerous times - one of his frequent haunts is the end of a street I used to live on -

I wouldn't seem him, sitting there and suddenly loud machine gun noises would blast out of a dark doorway - startling me just as I happened to be walking by - and there he would be in his own little world - maybe he was channeling the crazy to scare unsuspecting passersby ...

Louie, well, just listen closely 'cause you can hear Louie before you see him...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! She is posting again! Hells yeah the blogosphere missed you!